

A collection of excerpts from the best of LBC Books in 2013.


Minimum quantity for "2013 LBC Books Review" is 1.

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The second LBC Review, offering a selection of excerpts from titles LBC Books has produced over 2014, including Canenero , Disruptive Elements , The...
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A scathing, witty, well-written, and partisan response by anonymous European insurrectionists, to the Tiqqun text To Our Friends specifically and also to...
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This small booklet is a reflection on the tyranny of writing as a rigid practice (from the act of writing to what we're allowed to write), and what it would...
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A more thorough, fleshed-out, and historically-referenced treatment of the ideas introduced in Breaking the Alphabet . Here Sascha Engel does a...
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Continuing the reprint of most of the Elephant Editions titles for a U.S. audience, some collected pieces by Bonanno.

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Minimum quantity for "The Most Dangerous Idea" is 1.


A loosely factual, inspiring read on events and non events and the stream of willfulness that underlies it all.


Minimum quantity for "Anarchist International" is 1.

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We have a few journal projects that we produce, some of them directly. Last year we skipped the production of this review that goes over some of our...
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A collection of historical and modern egoist essays.

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Minimum quantity for "Egoism" is 1.


A dream that ends in shouting

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Minimum quantity for "Here... at the Center of the World in Revolt" is 1.


In this small and rich text, one of the authors of Nihilist Communism introduces an anti-political perspective in the form of letters, essays, and dialogs.

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Minimum quantity for "species being and other stories" is 1.

A collection of little seen (or un published) writings from one of the most interesting, well traveled, controversial, iconoclastic thinkers (and good...
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Minimum quantity for "Spiritual Journeys of an Anarchist" is 1.