A primer on the situationists, a group of marxist artists and theoreticians who said a lot of interesting things about nuanced understandings of power, analysis, and who the enemy actually is, long before Tiqqun was a glimmer in anyone's eye.
Minimum quantity for "My Thoughts Have Been Replaced by Movie Images!" is 1.
Ripped bloody from the pages of anarchistnews.org, this is an account of how capitalism effects us personally.
Minimum quantity for "I, Capitalist" is 1.
Excerpts from Novatore the book, the newly translated collection of all of Novatore's writings.
Minimum quantity for "The Howl of Dynamite" is 1.
When you can't stand to have the conversation one more time, just hand them this pamphlet. Two basic articles from Green Anarchy magazine, to explain the basics.
Minimum quantity for "The Origins of Civilization and What is Green Anarchy?" is 1.
This pamphlet is the text to a presentation Bonanno gave as La Tensione anarchica, translated by Jean Weir.
Minimum quantity for "The Anarchist Tension" is 1.