

When you can't stand to have the conversation one more time, just hand them this pamphlet. Two basic articles from Green Anarchy magazine, to explain the basics.

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Minimum quantity for "The Origins of Civilization and What is Green Anarchy?" is 1.

An Alternative View of Twin Oaks Community Written by an anonymous long-term resident of Twin Oaks, this is a realistic breakdown of how hierarchy exists,...
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Community is shorthand for a mythology shared by virtually every distinguishable group of humans on the planet. Fundamentalist Christians, activists,...
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What is happening in Ukraine and Venezuela appears to be a reactionary counterattack within the space of social movements. This may be a sign of worse...
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Translation and reprints of writings from the 1970s and '80s.

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Minimum quantity for "Revolution, Violence, Anti-Authoritarianism: a few notes" is 1.


A primer on the situationists, a group of marxist artists and theoreticians who said a lot of interesting things about nuanced understandings of power, analysis, and who the enemy actually is, long before Tiqqun was a glimmer in anyone's eye.


Minimum quantity for "My Thoughts Have Been Replaced by Movie Images!" is 1.

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Ripped bloody from the pages of, this is an account of how capitalism effects us personally.


Minimum quantity for "I, Capitalist" is 1.

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Penelope Rosemont, Franklin Rosemont, Ardent Press

Essays by Penelope and Franklin Rosemont, two of the most renowned surrealist anarchist artists in the US, on two remarkable characters, Mary MacLane and Arthur Cravan.

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Minimum quantity for "Marvelous People" is 1.

This world is one that wears down our bodies and spirits. It does this through too much work, or anxiety-producing precarity, or the poisonous products...
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In the 90s, in the pages of Anarchy, a journal of desire armed (commonly known as AJODA), there was a back and forth between some of the contributors to...
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a Metis Refusal of State-led Reconciliation by Tawinikay A transcription o fa talk given on October 12, 2018, at the 13th annual Decolonizing...
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A series of essays that seem, unfortunately, to only get more relevant as time goes on. Writings on the political, manipulative use of words like terrorism, the criminalization of all kinds of resistance, and the relationship of times of peace (preparation) to times of war (realization).

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Minimum quantity for "Endless War" is 1.