The best of Green Anarchy, a voice for anarchy and primitivism
Minimum quantity for "Uncivilized: the best of Green Anarchy" is 1.
This edition of Raoul Vaneigems Treatise on Etiquette for the Young Generations aka "The Revolution of Everyday Life", makes this important title accessible to a new "Young Generation", as well as offering a new introduction from Jason McQuinn of this important text.
Minimum quantity for "Treatise on Etiquette for the Younger Generations" is 1.
This is a faithful reproduction, in English, of the original release of Tiqqun #1. The producers went to great lengths to follow the line set out in the French, including photographs of graffiti in English where there was graffiti in French...
Minimum quantity for "Tiqqun #1" is 1.
This short book lays bare our social isolation and the conceptually simple (yet practically difficult) solution to it. This is a foundational text of Tiqqun's thought, and this version is the translation by Robert Hurley (translator of Anti-Oedipus and multiple books by Foucault, Bataille, and Deleuze).
Minimum quantity for "Theory of Bloom" is 1.