
various, Anarchy: A Journal of Desire Armed
Anarchy magazine taking positions on jargon ("Penetrating Leftist Code"), integration ("Ethnic Politics as Integration"), exploring a cross section of...
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Three pieces on the ways that concern for animals is coopted by liberal perspectives - how animal and environmental liberation tendencies are victims of the wideness of their appeal, since saving innocent victims is a popular (dare I say missionary?) attitude among most segments of society.


Minimum quantity for "Animal Liberation: Liberate to Devastate or Devastatingly Liberal" is 1.

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The Truth behind Bob's Lanes This book, gives voice to one of the most outrageous, funny, and consistent voices in anarchy today, prisoner Sean...
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The second of two books of little-known or never-before-printed pieces by Peter Lamborn Wilson, on his travels, interviews, life, and cogitations. Table...
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The even more new and improved version, and now featuring a choice of two different covers . A text that plays significantly on the invisible...
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Stories and reviews selected from The Anvil Review Writings by critila, rocinante, dot matrix, frere dupont, Alejandro de Acosta, Aragorn!, and others...
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A loosely factual, inspiring read on events and non events and the stream of willfulness that underlies it all.


Minimum quantity for "Anarchist International" is 1.

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A collection of little seen (or un published) writings from one of the most interesting, well traveled, controversial, iconoclastic thinkers (and good...
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Minimum quantity for "Spiritual Journeys of an Anarchist" is 1.

Peter Lamborn Wilson, Ardent Press
Get two of our newest books, Spiritual Journeys of an Anarchist and Spiritual Destinations of an Anarchist , and read Peter Lamborn Wilson's excellent...
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An Anthology of Individualist & Egoist Thought This book tells the story of the most neglected tendency in anarchist thought; egoism. The story of...
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This edition of Raoul Vaneigem’s Treatise on Etiquette for the Young Generations aka "The Revolution of Everyday Life", makes this important title accessible to a new "Young Generation", as well as offering a new introduction from Jason McQuinn of this important text.

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Minimum quantity for "Treatise on Etiquette for the Younger Generations" is 1.


The following essay (originally posted on and reposted to is an example of making a serious criticism, it also raises three topics that are in need of more discussion amongst anarchists: a) the role of academics, b) “soft policing”, what it means and what it looks like, and c) letting friends slide, despite evidence of serious complicity with the state.


Minimum quantity for "cop-out: the signifigance of Aufhebengate" is 1.

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