
A memoir in support of Somali pirates Translated from the French, this book brings first person narratives and interviews with political and economic...
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One of the more prolific of the editors of Green Anarchy magazine (RIP), who wrote under various names, is back with his inimitable style of rants and...
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Sean Swain's third book, following (with Travis Washington) Last Act of the Circus Animals (a parable), and Ohio (lessons in a life, in history, and in...
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Tiqqun and The Invisible Committee, while clearly informed by academic discourses (such as traditional metaphysics, theories of sovereignty, the study of biopolitics and disciplinary practices, etc), are staunchly defiant of the academy’s monopoly over political thought.

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Minimum quantity for "The Cultural Logic of Insurrection:Essays on Tiqqun and The Invisible Committee" is 1.

People in the US, including revolutionaries here, suffer from a lack of historical and international perspective, which would deepen and make more relevant...
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People in the US, including revolutionaries here, suffer from a lack of historical and international perspective, which would deepen and make more...
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One of the best books from Ardent Press (co-published here with Cruel Hospice), this newly-translated book (from the French), discusses in plain yet pithy language many of the problems with our current society in an analysis that has something for readers at any stage of thinking.

Highly recommended.


Minimum quantity for "Demotivational Training" is 1.

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The Black Bloc Papers is intended for those who would like to understand the vigorous protest politics of anarchism, the tactic of the black bloc as practiced over a decade ago, and as a historical signpost reminding us of how far we've come and how far we have left to go.


Minimum quantity for "Black Bloc Papers" is 1.

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This is a faithful reproduction, in English, of the original release of Tiqqun #1. The producers went to great lengths to follow the line set out in the French, including photographs of graffiti in English where there was graffiti in French...


Minimum quantity for "Tiqqun #1" is 1.

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Biographical prison writings by an inspirationally rebellious Xose Tarrio Gonzalez.

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Minimum quantity for "Huye Hombre Huye: Diary of a maximum security prisoner" is 1.


Reflections on Riots, Revolt, and the Black Bloc

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Minimum quantity for "I Saw Fire" is 1.


Tactical dynamics are amoral, arational, particular dynamics of conflict, and effectiveness is the accomplishment of objectives within this dynamic of profound uncertainty and resistance.

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Minimum quantity for "The Master's Tools" is 1.