
An essay by Alex Trocchi. We are surrounded by the picturesque ruins of all explicitly political ideas: schools at which no one learns, families...
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John Graham, a friend of Anna Mae Aquash's, and a fellow fighter with AIM (American Indian Movement) has been charged with her murder.
This pamphlet lays out background information, the case of Anna Mae, John Graham's history, a statement from Leonard Peltier, and what people are doing to reject the government's latest outrage.

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Minimum quantity for "Free John Graham" is 1.

Ridding Anarchy of the Leftist Millstone This version of this classic of post-left thought by Wolfi Landstreicher (which apparently has not gotten enough...
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A boring cover (til you look at it more closely) for a really good article by Rhyd Wildermuth of, and a thoughtful comment by @critic of...
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Anon, Institute for Experimental Freedom

An Apologia for the Black Bloc from the Community of those who do not have a Community.


Minimum quantity for "God Only Knows What Devils We Are" is 1.

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This edition of this irregularly released zine continues its tradition of exuberance (charming despite its propensity to some theoretical inconsistencies), report backs on state surveillance, the lesser known stories behind headline-grabbers (like the wikileaks situation), cyberattacks (frequently starring the inimitable Anonymous), excerpts from interviews with some of the folks in Anonymous, and so on.


Minimum quantity for "Hack This Zine #11" is 1.

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"People, like information, want to be free." This is the issue from October 2011, and includes articles on Anonymous ("Actions Speak Louder than Words");...
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This issue: hack this site founder raided by fbi (this is the excellent Jeremy Hammond, currently doing time, send him a letter); right wing hackers target...
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This issue: hack this site founder raided by fbi (this is the excellent Jeremy Hammond, currently doing time, send him a letter); right wing hackers target...
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This issue: pirate radio and the FCC; writing a web worm in php; UK indymedia interview; misadventures of Irish hackers; tunneling and tor; proxy chaining;...
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This issue: zen and the art of non-disclosure; how the net was lost; exotic vulnerabilities; advanced cross-site scripting, and continuing... This is a...
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This issue: getting started with linux kernel modules; interview with Annalee Newitz; darknets and other alternative internets; hacking freight trains, and...
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