One of the most relevant essays from Nihilist Communism, a scathing (in an understated, British sort of way) critique of the left, knee-jerk activism, and the role of skepticism.
Minimum quantity for "Anarchists Must Say What Only Anarchists Can Say" is 1.
Excerpted from species being, this is one of the core arguments of the author's preceding book Nihilist Communism, taking on the question of why activists do not reach the people they claim to be caring about, speaking and acting for, and representing.
Minimum quantity for "Why is it that others feel no interest for us?" is 1.
The original is here.
This version is modified by one of the original authors to formalize the text, with a few added paragraphs here and there. The vision is the same – the idea that abuse and violence are best taken on by groups of people, that social groups need to determine for themselves what they consider problematic behavior, that these occurrences are more complicated usually than they're given credit for being, and that there are lots of roles for people to fill, at various levels of intimacy and responsibility.
Minimum quantity for "Thoughts on Possible Community Responses to Intimate Violence (redux)" is 1.
A new pamphlet in some kind of dialog with Call from a USian perspective.
Minimum quantity for "Hello" is 1.