Fredy tells how encounters with the racism in Central Europe, Bolivia and the U.S. heightened his perception and prepared him to denouce American "cheerleaders for Israel." He is astounded that potential victims of Nazi extermination can accept, even support, Israeli massacres of Palestinian refugees.
Minimum quantity for "Anti-Semitism and the Beirut Pogrom" is 1.
One of the most relevant essays from Nihilist Communism, a scathing (in an understated, British sort of way) critique of the left, knee-jerk activism, and the role of skepticism.
Minimum quantity for "Anarchists Must Say What Only Anarchists Can Say" is 1.
Staying Free by Shutting the Fuck Up! Harold Thompson's words to the wise...
Minimum quantity for "Anarchist Survival Guide for Understanding Gestapo Swine Interrogation Mind Games" is 1.
Reprint of the Venomous Butterfly pamphlet, with classics by Landstreicher, a long-term anarchist writer and translator (primarily of Italian insurrectionary texts).
Includes the title piece, plus "A Projectual Life", "Free Love", "Passionate Friendship", "Hatred, Realism, Security Culture and Expansive Living", and many more.
Minimum quantity for "Against the Logic of Submission" is 1.