This edition of this irregularly released zine continues its tradition of exuberance (charming despite its propensity to some theoretical inconsistencies), report backs on state surveillance, the lesser known stories behind headline-grabbers (like the wikileaks situation), cyberattacks (frequently starring the inimitable Anonymous), excerpts from interviews with some of the folks in Anonymous, and so on.
Minimum quantity for "Hack This Zine #11" is 1.
An Apologia for the Black Bloc from the Community of those who do not have a Community.
Minimum quantity for "God Only Knows What Devils We Are" is 1.
John Graham, a friend of Anna Mae Aquash's, and a fellow fighter with AIM (American Indian Movement) has been charged with her murder. This pamphlet lays out background information, the case of Anna Mae, John Graham's history, a statement from Leonard Peltier, and what people are doing to reject the government's latest outrage.
Minimum quantity for "Free John Graham" is 1.