
In the 90s, in the pages of Anarchy, a journal of desire armed (commonly known as AJODA), there was a back and forth between some of the contributors to...
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This is an article from Return Fire #4, discussing from a multi-discipline perspective, the concerns about the already-overwhelming and still growing...
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New material and reprints from Anarchy: a journal of desire armed . The reprinted articles and letters from Anarchy are some of the most controversial...
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This essay by Benjamin de Casseres is "an imaginative fable, investigating the nature of civilization," positing an aging Chiron musing about his...
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From the publisher: "A thorough takedown of christianity such as Overland's might lack the immediacy it had when he first delivered it to a bewildered...
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Community is shorthand for a mythology shared by virtually every distinguishable group of humans on the planet. Fundamentalist Christians, activists,...
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Edward Carpenter, Enemy Combatant Publications
Edward Carpenter (1844-1929), an English poet and philosopher, friend and lover of Walt Whitman, is presented here in another wonderful Enemy Combatants...
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A nice little production of some communiques by Autonomous Cells of Immediate Revolution--Praxedis G. Guerrero (CARI-PGG), of the Informal FAI in Mexico.
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conversations on polyamory and anarchy

Relationships have been clear anarchist territory since Emma Goldman and Voltairine DeCleyre explicitly rejected monogamy and marriage.
But while polyamory may be a popular alternative, it is - by definition - not simple, especially when we recognize the ways that it's coherent with exactly what is expected of us (for example, stereotypical male sexual behavior).


Minimum quantity for "Complicated Relationships" is 1.

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Actions and Communiques


Minimum quantity for "Conspiracy of Cells of Fire: chronology of actions" is 1.

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Shoot an arrow through your cell phone, cancel your Netflix subscription, turn off the radio, and start creating your own reality. This collection provides...
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The Politics of the Personal and the Radical Aesthetics of Self

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Minimum quantity for "CrimethInc. on the Individual" is 1.