

Collection of essays and chronology of insurrectionary events in Algeria in the early 2000s.


Minimum quantity for "You Cannot Kill Us, We Are Already Dead: Algeria's Ongoing Popular Uprising" is 1.

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In 1981 and '82, various bombings, including Litton Industries factory (makers of a Cruise missile component), a hydro sub-station, and three pornographic video stores in Canada, were claimed by the groups Direct Action and the Wimmin’s Fire Brigade. In early 1983 five members of the Vancouver anarchist scene were arrested for these attacks. Ann Hansen, Doug Stewart, Julie Belmas, Gerry Hannah and Brent Taylor quickly became known as the Vancouver Five. This pamphlet offers poems, essays, and drawings by these five anarchists.

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Minimum quantity for "Writings of the Vancouver 5" is 1.


Writings of a Spanish anarchist, incarcerated for Robin Hood behavior, friend of Xose Tarrio Gonzales (whose story is in the upcoming Huye Hombre Huye), both of them unrepentent and unremitting rebels.

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Minimum quantity for "Writings of Anarchist and Bank Robber Gabriel Pombo da Silva" is 1.

There are many pamphlets in the world about how to induce miscarriage, or how to encourage your period. Some of them are out of date, some of them are...
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Excerpted from species being, this is one of the core arguments of the author's preceding book Nihilist Communism, taking on the question of why activists do not reach the people they claim to be caring about, speaking and acting for, and representing.


Minimum quantity for "Why is it that others feel no interest for us?" is 1.

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This essay by Gilles Dauvé, originally titled Fascism and Anti-fascism , looks at insurrections in Europe in the early 1900s (Brest-Litovsk, Rome, Turin,...
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For a brief period of time in the 1980s, some individuals in France seemed to be taking Stirner's ideas in interesting directions... Among those...
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Previously found exclusively in Anarchy: a journal of desire armed, here is your chance to get DM's work on its own.

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Minimum quantity for "What Have We Done for Us Lately?" is 1.


...An Experience of the Ineffable, Untold Delight is a collection of some less common essays by John Moore, as well as his best-known piece, “A Primitivist Primer.”

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Minimum quantity for "Untold Delight" is 1.

A pamphlet of the old Red and Black booklet that is online in various places, but if you want a hard copy with a fun retro image mocking all the things,...
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An Alternative View of Twin Oaks Community Written by an anonymous long-term resident of Twin Oaks, this is a realistic breakdown of how hierarchy exists,...
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The Changing Face of Repression Against Anarchism and Punk in Indonesia by Dickhead Bidge A snapshot on the interaction of punk and anarchism in...
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Dark Mountain is a not-anarchist English (mostly literature) project that is remarkably in synch with current green anarchist thinking on the environment and the options of humans (see Black Seed and Desert).

This is their manifesto.

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Minimum quantity for "Uncivilised: the Dark Mountain Manifesto" is 1.

What is happening in Ukraine and Venezuela appears to be a reactionary counterattack within the space of social movements. This may be a sign of worse...
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For those of us who think that de Acosta has some of the smartest and most interesting things to say about anarchy in modern times, this pamphlet will be...
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There is not a lot written by Renzo Novatore, but there is enough to make us love him. Poetic, unflinching, a firebrand who lived briefly and by his principles.
These are pieces he wrote after WWI.

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Minimum quantity for "Toward the creative nothing" is 1.

An Anthology of Anti-Economic Thought A collection of writings by an unnamed Stirner-influenced author(s) on and against the economy, as a social...
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This is a translation of the third issue of a publication from Lisbon, Portugal, which was a collection of original texts and translations on informal...
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The original is here.

This version is modified by one of the original authors to formalize the text, with a few added paragraphs here and there. The vision is the same – the idea that abuse and violence are best taken on by groups of people, that social groups need to determine for themselves what they consider problematic behavior, that these occurrences are more complicated usually than they're given credit for being, and that there are lots of roles for people to fill, at various levels of intimacy and responsibility.

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Minimum quantity for "Thoughts on Possible Community Responses to Intimate Violence (redux)" is 1.


A scathing critique of Debord and his concept of the Spectacle, by a notorious author of roughly contemporaneous times. A worthwhile splash in the face for those who take the Sits a bit too seriously.


Minimum quantity for "There Is No Society of the Spectacle" is 1.

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selected writings of Georges Palante Palante’s obsession is society vis-a-vis the individual. Building on the work of thinkers like Stirner and...
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Writings by the Pessimistic Black Jester Peter Wessel Zapffe The Last Messiah is an obscure essay on the inescapable horror of the human condition, by...
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A graphically rich, Fourier-inspired pamphlet by Peter Lamborn Wilson published by Enemy Combatant. Charles Fourier still holds what you might call a...
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Freedom, My Dream is the one book put out by Ardent that anyone can love. It's fun, funny, historical, egoist, adventurous and humble.

This is an excerpt of it, to whet your appetite.

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Minimum quantity for "The Spartacist Movement, excerpts from Freedom, My Dream, frank brand" is 1.

The famous essay by Oscar Wilde, and the one in which he most clearly promotes anarchist thought. This pamphlet is from Enemy Combatant. They describe it...
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Propaganda by the Deed in France The late 19th century was an exciting time to be an anarchist. It was a time of assassinations, conspiracies, daggers,...
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When you can't stand to have the conversation one more time, just hand them this pamphlet. Two basic articles from Green Anarchy magazine, to explain the basics.

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Minimum quantity for "The Origins of Civilization and What is Green Anarchy?" is 1.

Tracts For Our Time by Peter Lamborn Wilson, Robert Kelly, Rachel Pollack, Charles Stein, Kim Spurlock "As you've no doubt guessed, we Old...
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An article by Peter Lamborn Wilson that was originally printed in The Anvil Review hardcopy, offering his criticism of today's nihilism. Most...
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Kirkpatrick Sale, Black Powder Press
A collection of essays by Kirkpatrick Sale detailing opposition to technological "progress" and civilization from within, ranging from the Luddites of England to present-day indigenous struggles to keep traditional communities intact.

Minimum quantity for "The Neo-Luddites and Lessons from the Luddites" is 1.

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The Marquis de Sade was the first modern atheist who openly declared in writing his willingness to push atheism to its logical conclusions. He certainly...
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Ending with a rather optimistic prediction that more and more people will realize their freedom, this essay is a consideration of liberty, free will,...
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and Other Writings by John Beverly Robinson Robinson was one of a small group who pioneered conscious egoism at the turn of the 19th century and an...
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Explores the ideas and temperament of those prone to individualist thinking. To bring out its contours and contrasts, he places such a personality in dialog...
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A CrimethInc. article with the subtitle, "a text for occupiers, freedom fighters, and the discontent," on the dynamics of legitimacy and violence in social...
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Excerpts from Novatore the book, the newly translated collection of all of Novatore's writings.

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Minimum quantity for "The Howl of Dynamite" is 1.

Subtitled The False Opposition of Animal Liberation, this Enemy Combatant essay is a "wholesale demolition job on the myopic limitations of animal rights...
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Enemy Combatants brings us the collected columns by Wolfi Landstreicher from the magazine Anarchy: a journal of desire armed (or AJODA). It includes...
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by Nietzsche A striking early essay that inaugerates Nietzsche’s critique of representationism, with reference to Plato’s philosophical view of the...
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A.G. Schwartz produced the book We are an Image from the Future , one of two good books on the 2008 insurrections in Greece. These essays provide an...
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A handsome booklet, with letterpressed cover, of a new translation of a previously censored and unavailable text by Jean Genet. "The Criminal Child" is a...
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This 24-pa ge pamphlet features four fascinating explorations into the brilliant mind of Charles Fourier (1772-1837). While his ideas are mostly...
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This pamphlet is the text to a presentation Bonanno gave as La Tensione anarchica, translated by Jean Weir.

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Minimum quantity for "The Anarchist Tension" is 1.

The Superior Mutants Manifesto: Not just different -- BETTER A refutation that being weird means there's something wrong with you, and an argument...
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A Neil Keating Reader Neil Keating was a regular contributor to the magazine Anarchy: a journal of desire armed , in the 90s. Here are collected the...
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An essay by Peter Gray from a talk he gave at the Pagan Federation South Central conference, June 7, 2014. This reads much like an anarchist exhorting...
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Translation and reprints of writings from the 1970s and '80s.

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Minimum quantity for "Revolution, Violence, Anti-Authoritarianism: a few notes" is 1.

A fire-breathing nihilist manifesto, originally published on, available online, and words to live by for all of us. Our world...
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Two pieces, an interview with Ben Morea, and Aragorn!'s article "Nihilist Animism." There is a painful and enormous gap between being (or naming...
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Two essays by post-left anarchists: Rejecting the Reification of Revolt by Jason McQuinn and Leftism 101 by Lawrence Jarach, both of which argue for the...
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Legendary through its very obscurity, This was first published in 1984 and has been preserved and spread through hand-passed photocopies by a devoted cult...
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A guide to how to find and use mushrooms, and connecting that practice to radical perspective. Some of the sections included are "Lifecycle and its...
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A chronology and two essays (one by ex-political prisoner Lorenzo Komboa Ervin, the other by Staughton Lynd) about resistance, especially by prisoners of color, from inside of prisons.

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Minimum quantity for "Race Treason behind Prison Walls" is 1.


Written by NY queers in the 90s, and updated for this more recent reprint, this polemic exhorts queers to recognize the reasons to be angry

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Minimum quantity for "Queers Read This" is 1.

This work features excerpts from three pieces which explore the ways a desire for the impossible changes the way we see reality itself. Patrick Galbraith...
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Essays from Love and Rage and from the Network of Anarchist Collectives on structure and organizing, collected and introduced by A. Iwasa.
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Nuances is three articles on topics that deserve more thoughtful analysis than they normally receive. How some alliances go wrong, what does the...
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From the UK, a pamphlet that is anti-speciesist, anti-civ, nihilist, for gender chaos, anarchy, irrationality, and rewilding. About 60 pages of 90s...
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A non-anarchist's take on many things of interest to modern anarchists, most significantly the relation of Nietzsche's thinking to Stirner's, from...
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Anarchism and Eastern Thought Includes the only remaining fragment from one of the earliest fully-articulated arguments regarding anarchism, from the...
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Those who agree that the clash with an enemy about to crush us and the struggle to assert our - anarchist - vision of life is perfectly valid, but think we...
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A primer on the situationists, a group of marxist artists and theoreticians who said a lot of interesting things about nuanced understandings of power, analysis, and who the enemy actually is, long before Tiqqun was a glimmer in anyone's eye.


Minimum quantity for "My Thoughts Have Been Replaced by Movie Images!" is 1.

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Articles: Calling Bullshit.... Bullshit (on the specious association of individualism with fascism); part 3 of The Bewitchment (The Trial); poems by Neal...
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"Self-Ownership and Self-Creation against all Authority" "The Most Authoritarian Act" on killing, "Going High and Dry," on unexpected life changes, "The...
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Issue 15, December 2014, presents "All a Matter of Taste: an egoist aesthetic, or creating a beautiful life", "The Bewitchment: 3 stories on the theme of...
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In this provocative essay Massimo Passamani presentsa succinct and revealing description of Stirner's libertarian, egoist, social intercourse through his...
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Disgust! A much misunderstood yet often felt affect. Andre Lorulot (1885-1963) a French free-thinker and exponent of individualist anarchism, explores...
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Penelope Rosemont, Franklin Rosemont, Ardent Press

Essays by Penelope and Franklin Rosemont, two of the most renowned surrealist anarchist artists in the US, on two remarkable characters, Mary MacLane and Arthur Cravan.

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Minimum quantity for "Marvelous People" is 1.

A booklet by Guillaume Paoli (and a group of unnamed others), who also wrote Demotivational Training , and who has been thinking and writing about work...
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A collection of writing attempting to systematically posit a conception of race which is inherently de-essentialist; a non-European anarchism which is self-determinedly disparate and plural; and finally, a critique of the anti-war movement (organizational and rhetorical/semantic critiques) from one non-European anarchist perspective of (ideally) many.


Minimum quantity for "Locating An Indigenous Anarchism" is 1.

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Four articles taken from Anarchy: a journal of desire armed, #64, brought together in this pamphlet because they are still relevant... Aragorn!, dot matrix,...
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Stirner, Anarchy, Subjectivity, and the Art of Living This pamphlet from Enemy Combatant is the last essay written by John Moore, noted British author...
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Anon, Ardent Press
Now with a new, in-your-face cover, here are first-hand accounts of one of the most successful clandestine organizations in u.s. history. Jane, the codename...
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Originally serialized in two issues of Green Anarchy and then made into a pamphlet by re-pressed distro (RIP), this is an introduction to Camatte's writing and their influence on green anarchism.
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Minimum quantity for "Jacques Camatte and the New Politics of Liberation" is 1.

An essay by Chahta-Ima, weighing in on the question of tactics, controversy, and eco-extremism, in the context of the infuriating, outrageous, and tragic...
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What Is Worth While? A Study of Conduct, from the Viewpoint of the Man Awake by Adeline Champney The Price of Progress by Adeline Champney...
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This is a reprint of the re-pressed pamphlet, which includes the infamous unabomber manifesto (that brought many of the concerns and ideas of green anarchy to a much larger audience), a chronology of the unabomber events, an interview with Kaczynski (initially published in Green Anarchist and Anarchy, and the articles "Whose Unabomber," and "He Means It, Do You?", both written by John Zerzan.
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Minimum quantity for "Industrial Society and its Future" is 1.


writings by Emile Armand

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Minimum quantity for "Individualist Anarchism / Revolutionary Sexualism" is 1.

Anon, Elephant Editions

Real-life stories of being underground.


Minimum quantity for "Incognito" is 1.

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for the Propagation of Anarchic Sedition From International Negra Ediciones We publish the exchange of ideas between three comrades who are...
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Why Pay for a Revolution on the Installment Plan When You Can Steal One? The writings of the late, lamented Paul Z. Simons are far-ranging, thoughtful, and...
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The False Dichotomy by Gustavo Rodriguez & Is the Anarchist Illegalist Our Comrade? by E. Armand (translated by Wolfi Landstreicher) To be an...
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Ripped bloody from the pages of, this is an account of how capitalism effects us personally.


Minimum quantity for "I, Capitalist" is 1.

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A pamphlet from our friends at HatersCafe, this essay walks the reader through one way to give one's self a medical abortion. It includes international...
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The Claustrophobia Collective, One Thousand Emotions
Some lessons from the 2001 cincinnati riots.

Minimum quantity for "How Fast It All Blows Up: Some Lessons from the 2001 Cincinatti Riots" is 1.

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"One could legitimately ask me why I am printing a pamphlet consisting of texts from a debate nearly eighty years old. The reason is simple."

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Minimum quantity for "How Anarchist is the Platform?" is 1.


A new pamphlet in some kind of dialog with Call from a USian perspective.

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Minimum quantity for "Hello" is 1.


The Fall 2009 issue of this hacker's delight sports information on theory and application.


Minimum quantity for "Hack This Zine #8" is 1.

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Ever had the day dream of what could happen if a bunch of computer-savvy rebels got together and got serious?


Minimum quantity for "Hack This Zine #7" is 1.

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Cryptology for the Militant Activist
San Francisco Community TV ColoProject
Crabgrass:Social Networking for the Rest of Us!
Full Disk Encryption Attacks
Hacking Freight Trains part 2
All Your FaceBook are Belong to Us!
If these titles pique your fancy, then you should check out this sporadically produced, but always zingy little zine, combining (at its best) information on how to access useful information on the products and people that increasingly dominate our lives.


Minimum quantity for "Hack This Zine #6" is 1.

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This issue: getting started with linux kernel modules; interview with Annalee Newitz; darknets and other alternative internets; hacking freight trains, and...
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This issue: zen and the art of non-disclosure; how the net was lost; exotic vulnerabilities; advanced cross-site scripting, and continuing... This is a...
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This issue: pirate radio and the FCC; writing a web worm in php; UK indymedia interview; misadventures of Irish hackers; tunneling and tor; proxy chaining;...
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This issue: hack this site founder raided by fbi (this is the excellent Jeremy Hammond, currently doing time, send him a letter); right wing hackers target...
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This issue: hack this site founder raided by fbi (this is the excellent Jeremy Hammond, currently doing time, send him a letter); right wing hackers target...
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"People, like information, want to be free." This is the issue from October 2011, and includes articles on Anonymous ("Actions Speak Louder than Words");...
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