

The Journal of the Nihilist position. Writings by some anonymous people, a critique of Bonanno by an Italian peer (at least in one sense), a critique of criticism, and various other thoughtful pieces by some of the people who also brought you Hello.

Small but powerful.

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Minimum quantity for "Attentat" is 1.

A Journal of Indigenous Anarchy The 2019 issue is here! 24 pages rich with goodness. Finally finishing the interview started in issue 5, and starting...
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note: the reprints have smudges from the printer. be warned they are not pristine objects, but come from the hard-working hands of Eberhardt Press....
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Anti-imperialism as an ideology, the best translation of Call for a u.s. audience, and Barry Pateman on anti-Franco activism after the Spanish Civil War, are the three main essays in this issue of Anarchy

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Minimum quantity for "Anarchy: a journal of desire armed 65" is 1.

The second set of the Chronicles, being write-ups and thoughts about the presentations at the BASTARD Conference. The Berkeley Anarchist Students of Theory...
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The main focus of this issue is anarchist fiction, including short stories and haikus. It ties in a discussion of anarchist ethics regarding intellectual property...

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Minimum quantity for "Fifth Estate #385" is 1.

The Re-enchantment of the World Articles by John Zerzan, Ria, Dana Williams, Ron Sakolsky, Frank Joyce, Ann Hanson, Peter Werbe, and many more, on topics...
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The fourth in the chronicles of the adventures of anarchist theory in the bay area. The theme in 2017 was evil, for reasons that will probably only suffer...
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Anarchy and Solidarity in Action: Fighting Fascists, Closing Prisons Table of Contents: Anarchist Alternative in Cuba, Bill Weinberg X-Files: Subversive...
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This issue of this long-running anarchist and/or anarchist-friendly magazine reprises their theme of summer reading for 2018, and features a cover that hits...
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The End of the World issue...

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Minimum quantity for "Fifth Estate #376" is 1.


In the tradition of Impasses, here are readings from presentations (or based on presentations) at the BASTARD conference in 2014, when the theme was social war.

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Minimum quantity for "The BASTARD Chronicles 2014: social war" is 1.