

10 years in the making, here is issue 1 of Modern Slavery: the libertarian critique of civilization.

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Minimum quantity for "Modern Slavery #1" is 1.

various, Fifth Estate

This edition's theme is Anarchy!

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Minimum quantity for "Fifth Estate #391 spring/summer2014" is 1.


The summer/fall 2009 issue is here with information on the murder of Brad Will, the case of Marie Mason, an anarchist's travels in Hong Kong, radical listening and jazz, an interview with an infoshop in Nashville, reviews of Sakolsky's Swift Winds and Zerzan's Twilight of the Machines, catastrophism, updates on the state of the Fifth Estate, and more.

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Minimum quantity for "Fifth Estate #381" is 1.

A New World Is In Our Hearts Long term print project, started by Fredy Perlman, among others, this new issue of Fifth Estate includes the regular letter...
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Featuring articles on #BlackLivesMatter , the history of the workers movement, the Balkan Spring, American urbanism, and the use and abuse of the concept...
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This issue sports a glossy cover, presumably to celebrate their 50th birthday. Featuring many flashes from the past, as well as brand new articles on cities...
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The third edition of presentations from the BASTARD conference, this year unthemed, with pieces on, for example, the drug industrial complex and the...
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Herein lay a series of engagements and debates that are perfect for the journal format. Where lay the dangers of visibilty? What is the terrain by which...
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The Anarchist Review of Books Features reviews of fiction, non-fiction, and poetry, tributes to Stuart Christie and David Graeber as two of the...
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A Libertarian Critique of Civilization

The latest issue of the latest project by the former long-term editor of Anarchy:a journal of desire armed.

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Minimum quantity for "Modern Slavery #3" is 1.


A Journal of Insurgent Strategy

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Minimum quantity for "Insurgencies: A Journal of Insurgent Strategy" is 1.


Highlights include: John Zerzan’s "On the Origins of War"; "Stones Can Speak," a poetic and powerful look at what is going on in Bolivia by Jesús Sepúlveda; "Only a Tsunami Will Do," a potent and lucid rant on feminism that is sure to create a storm of controversy...


Minimum quantity for "Green Anarchy, #21" is 1.

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