

Hostis was what Rome called enemies of the state, though it also means stranger. The term is inspired by barbarians, who are not understood by Imperial powers because they do not speak a recognized language and break civic norms through uncontrolled acts of violence.

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Spirituality, Religion, Ideology.
Theologians, scientists, psychiatrists, philosophers, and mystics have strictly divided, compartmentalized, and further mystified the whole of our life experience through their self-defined (thus self-proven) analysis, abstractions, and symbology.

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Minimum quantity for "Green Anarchy, #20" is 1.

One hundred fifty two pages of glossy CrimthInc. writing and images. Contains--glossary of terms (featuring "abuse," "amok," "autocorrect," "bolshevism,"...
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100 pages of riotous goodness from Europe. Available for free online, but for those of you who like to actually be able to focus on what you read, this is...
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"life and times of Anarchy Magazine, part 1" by Jason McQuinn, feminism and anarchism by Dot Matrix, review of Debord's Panegyric by Aragorn!, etc.

This is the first issue produced by the crew in the California bay area. It reflects their inexperience with layout and design, as well as their enthusiasm and fresh blood.


Minimum quantity for "Anarchy: a journal of desire armed #59" is 1.

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A collection (with brief introductory remarks) of writings by pessimists and pessimist sympathizers... Pratt, Battaille, Zapfe, Noyes, Cioran, Leopardi,...
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The Libertarian Critique of Civilization

A Journal for the Abolition of all forms of Enslavement

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Minimum quantity for "Modern Slavery #2" is 1.


Indigenous Resistance to Civilization
This issue doesn't exclusively focus on this critical theme, but it is highly present and deeply informs it. Articles on creating an indigenous anarchism (by Aragorn!), Black Mesa, primal guerrilla warfare (by Kevin Tucker),


Minimum quantity for "Green Anarchy, #19" is 1.

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Articles by John Zerzan on silence, second life (the game, on cities, and one on his 2007 tour (10 countries in 19 days!); by Felonious Skunk on being a decivilizing papa; by Sal Insieme on connecting to place, among many others.

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Minimum quantity for "Green Anarchy, #25" is 1.

This issue's theme is Technological Biteback, with articles by John Zerzan ("Paradigms"), a debate between transhumanism and primitivism, Jason Rodgers on...
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Art & Anarchy!

Minimum quantity for "Fifth Estate #392 falll/winter 2014" is 1.

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peter werbe, kevin o'toole, john zerzan, margaret killjoy, david adams, joseph winogrond, anti marxism,

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