
Writings of Os Cangaceiros Vol. 1 OS CANGACEIROS was a group of delinquents with nothing but contempt for the self-sacrificial ideology practiced by...
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In this small and rich text, one of the authors of Nihilist Communism introduces an anti-political perspective in the form of letters, essays, and dialogs.

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Minimum quantity for "species being and other stories" is 1.


Now available! A post-left friendly, green friendly, insurrecto friendly, conflict friendly introduction to anarchy!


Minimum quantity for "Anarchy 101" is 1.

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Theorizing CrimethInc. successes and failures

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Minimum quantity for "Crime Thought" is 1.

Johann Kaspar Schmidt (aka Max Stirner) wrote this trailblazing political text in 1845. It is a statement that the individual is the measure of all things...
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Ron Sakolsky interrogates the lazy use of the term Mutual Aid in this essay. Following up on his essay "Mutual Acquiescence" in issue #1 of <a...
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This book is about an epic fight for Turtle Island that is invisible to most people. It is about memory, family, and the future of a livable planet....
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Originally self-published in 2003, now edited and designed by Ardent Press, still one of the most hard-nosed books to call the left to account -- with...
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Paul Z. Simons was a character, a writer, a dedicated anarchist, a horror film lover, and a world traveler. His death in April, 2018, was a shock, and is an...
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This book, with a name from a poem by a partisan fighter, takes two things that would not necessarily seem to go together, but that, on second thought,...
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Selected articles from Canenero, an anarchist Italian periodical of 1994-1997

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Minimum quantity for "Canenero" is 1.


The collected writings of Wolfi Landstreicher's Willful Disobedience. Originally published as a zine from 1996 to 2006, Willful Disobedience was a continuously evolving provocation directed towards anarchists and fellow vagabonds to dig deeper into critical thought and joyous rebellion.

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Minimum quantity for "Willful Disobedience" is 1.


Biographical prison writings by an inspirationally rebellious Xose Tarrio Gonzalez.

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Minimum quantity for "Huye Hombre Huye: Diary of a maximum security prisoner" is 1.


A collection of historical and modern egoist essays.

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Minimum quantity for "Egoism" is 1.

Alex Gorrion will be familiar to anyone who has paid attention to The Anvil, which was (and still is, in a lingering fashion) primarily a journal of...
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Indigenous Anarchy in an Anti-political World The first of two collections from Black Seed , this one includes, as well, new material from Klee...
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John Moore is an under-valued voice in the realm of anarcho-primitivism most obviously, but also in a vision of anarchy as a flexible, current,...
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A serious application of Bataille to anarchist thought. Or vice versa.


Minimum quantity for "After Post-Anarchism" is 1.

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The second LBC Review, offering a selection of excerpts from titles LBC Books has produced over 2014, including Canenero , Disruptive Elements , The...
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Son of Joseph Labadie (of the famed Labadie Collection in Ann Arbor), Laurence Labadie out-distanced his father as a thinker and a polemicist, Laurence...
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Continuing the reprint of most of the Elephant Editions titles for a U.S. audience, some collected pieces by Bonanno.

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Minimum quantity for "The Most Dangerous Idea" is 1.


A collection of excerpts from the best of LBC Books in 2013.


Minimum quantity for "2013 LBC Books Review" is 1.

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Ardent Press is pleased to announce the release of its reprint of the classic Creating Anarchy.

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Minimum quantity for "Creating Anarchy" is 1.


The following essay (originally posted on and reposted to is an example of making a serious criticism, it also raises three topics that are in need of more discussion amongst anarchists: a) the role of academics, b) “soft policing”, what it means and what it looks like, and c) letting friends slide, despite evidence of serious complicity with the state.


Minimum quantity for "cop-out: the signifigance of Aufhebengate" is 1.

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This edition of Raoul Vaneigem’s Treatise on Etiquette for the Young Generations aka "The Revolution of Everyday Life", makes this important title accessible to a new "Young Generation", as well as offering a new introduction from Jason McQuinn of this important text.

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Minimum quantity for "Treatise on Etiquette for the Younger Generations" is 1.

An Anthology of Individualist & Egoist Thought This book tells the story of the most neglected tendency in anarchist thought; egoism. The story of...
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Peter Lamborn Wilson, Ardent Press
Get two of our newest books, Spiritual Journeys of an Anarchist and Spiritual Destinations of an Anarchist , and read Peter Lamborn Wilson's excellent...
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A collection of little seen (or un published) writings from one of the most interesting, well traveled, controversial, iconoclastic thinkers (and good...
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Minimum quantity for "Spiritual Journeys of an Anarchist" is 1.


A loosely factual, inspiring read on events and non events and the stream of willfulness that underlies it all.


Minimum quantity for "Anarchist International" is 1.

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Stories and reviews selected from The Anvil Review Writings by critila, rocinante, dot matrix, frere dupont, Alejandro de Acosta, Aragorn!, and others...
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The second of two books of little-known or never-before-printed pieces by Peter Lamborn Wilson, on his travels, interviews, life, and cogitations. Table...
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The Truth behind Bob's Lanes This book, gives voice to one of the most outrageous, funny, and consistent voices in anarchy today, prisoner Sean...
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various, Anarchy: A Journal of Desire Armed
Anarchy magazine taking positions on jargon ("Penetrating Leftist Code"), integration ("Ethnic Politics as Integration"), exploring a cross section of...
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Poetry, reminiscences, thoughts, from time spent in Exarchia. If you've been, here's a reminder of what it is like. If you haven't been, here's a taste....
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The extremes of French Anarchism in the 20th century

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Minimum quantity for "Disruptive Elements" is 1.

A collection gathering readings for discussions on ending gender oppression, not by the proliferation or liberation of gender(s), but by its catastrophic...
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Alejandro de Acosta's work in the past six years can be summarized in this book of essays and as the best work done in anarchist thinking and theoretical exposition in decades, if not a century. His writing has been seen in publications like Upping the Anti, Anarchy: A Journal of Desire Armed, Anarchist Developments in Cultural Studies, and The Anvil Review but also in person at the RAT (Reclaiming the Anarchist Tradition) Conference, the Berkeley Anarchist Students of Theory And Research & Development (BASTARD) Conference, and in self-discovery.

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Minimum quantity for "The Impossible, Patience" is 1.

Bob Black, LBC Books
The latest from Bob Black, grump and gadfly, being a re-print of his most significant piece (The Abolition of Work), and other articles supplementary to it,...
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Minimum quantity for "Bulk Freedom My Dream (5)" is 1.

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As publishers we believe that anarchism is the lens by which the rest of the world is examined. This means that all of the ideas that are otherwise owned...
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Slimmed down, new introduction, half the price of the original, prisoner friendly.

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Minimum quantity for "Queer Ultraviolence: Abridged Bash Back! Anthology" is 1.

A scathing, witty, well-written, and partisan response by anonymous European insurrectionists, to the Tiqqun text To Our Friends specifically and also to...
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The long out-of-print autobiography of Enrico Arrigoni, life-long Italian individualist.

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Minimum quantity for "Freedom: My Dream" is 1.


The pernicious mixture of hatred and dependency at the basis of the work relationship atrophies the individual, reducing life to a question of accountancy. ‘Free time’, a mere negative quantity ranging from a few hours between days at work, to months or even years between jobs, can be survived by performing a number of rituals.

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Minimum quantity for "Let's Destroy Work, Let's Destroy the Economy" is 1.


A dream that ends in shouting

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Minimum quantity for "Here... at the Center of the World in Revolt" is 1.

Black Eye was a zine out of New York, and this book offers some of the best pieces from this fiesty, piss-and-vinegar, punk-inspired series. Pieces on...
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Applied Metaphysics A contemporary critique of the U.S., from slavery to Occupy.

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Minimum quantity for "WhitherBuro" is 1.

This booklet is a lovingly compiled collection of historic events by anarchists and anons. It has been around in zine form for many years, and we're...
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