Enemy Combatant

Enemy Combatant: unconventional explorations into anti-authoritarian thought and existence, bringing to light forgotten and unknown outliers from history, anti-civilization theory, anarchism, individualism, and egoism, like Tsuji Jun, Eliphalet Kimball, and Arnulf Overland. This project promotes active creation of our realities, through humor, anti-political thought and actions, and relearning/remembering the lessons of people who live now and who have gone before us.

We feel that revolt today means insisting on enjoying life, so here is no belly-aching or belittling moral condemnation.As far as we're concerned the only organizing to do is a refining of our revolts to maximize the time, space, and pleasure we have left here together.

While once created on our risograph, production now happens through Little Black Cart, so our supply is a bit more consistent, among other changes.

Why Pay for a Revolution on the Installment Plan When You Can Steal One? The writings of the late, lamented Paul Z. Simons are far-ranging, thoughtful, and...
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One of the oldest, most rigid, and seemingly instinctual thought-patterns is the figure of the monster. Instilled in us since childhood, the monster has...
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by Alexandra David-Neel Individualist, anarchist, occultist, and traveler, Alexandra (born in Paris, October 1868) is certainly one of the most singular...
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This piece is an attempt at collecting and refining ideas I have thought about and discussed, perhaps excessively, for the past few years on the podcasts...
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A graphically rich, Fourier-inspired pamphlet by Peter Lamborn Wilson published by Enemy Combatant. Charles Fourier still holds what you might call a...
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For those of us who think that de Acosta has some of the smartest and most interesting things to say about anarchy in modern times, this pamphlet will be...
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From the publisher: "A thorough takedown of christianity such as Overland's might lack the immediacy it had when he first delivered it to a bewildered...
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Writings by the Pessimistic Black Jester Peter Wessel Zapffe The Last Messiah is an obscure essay on the inescapable horror of the human condition, by...
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Two essays by post-left anarchists: Rejecting the Reification of Revolt by Jason McQuinn and Leftism 101 by Lawrence Jarach, both of which argue for the...
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An Anthology of Anti-Economic Thought A collection of writings by an unnamed Stirner-influenced author(s) on and against the economy, as a social...
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Tracts For Our Time by Peter Lamborn Wilson, Robert Kelly, Rachel Pollack, Charles Stein, Kim Spurlock "As you've no doubt guessed, we Old...
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Ending with a rather optimistic prediction that more and more people will realize their freedom, this essay is a consideration of liberty, free will,...
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