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Illegalist Trial Statements

This pamphlet is the first in a series of trial statements collections, an effort to contribute to fully realizing the potential of ating offensively against the world.


Minimum quantity for "Illegalist Trial Statements" is 1.

I, Capitalist

Ripped bloody from the pages of, this is an account of how capitalism effects us personally.


Minimum quantity for "I, Capitalist" is 1.

My Own 11

My Own is a publication of anarchist, egoist, individualist ideas, literature and analysis coming from an explicitly anti-capitalist, non-market egoist perspective aimed at encouraging the interweaving of individual insurrections against all forms of authority, domination and enforcement of conformity.

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Minimum quantity for "My Own 11" is 1.

The Howl of Dynamite

Excerpts from Novatore the book, the newly translated collection of all of Novatore's writings.

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Minimum quantity for "The Howl of Dynamite" is 1.

The Origins of Civilization and What is Green Anarchy?

When you can't stand to have the conversation one more time, just hand them this pamphlet. Two basic articles from Green Anarchy magazine, to explain the basics.

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Minimum quantity for "The Origins of Civilization and What is Green Anarchy?" is 1.

My Own 5

This issue has "In My Own Words", on language, a reprint of a short story by the alter ego of Salomo Friedlander (a big influence on DaDa); a poem called "Hyperdimensional Hobo"; "Sentimentality and Generalized Friendliness" on relationships and friendship, and book reviews on The Superhumans and other stories and The Shallows: What the Internet is Doing to Our Brains, among other things.

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Minimum quantity for "My Own 5" is 1.

My Own 10

The Anarchist as Outlaw

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Minimum quantity for "My Own 10" is 1.

The Anarchist Tension

This pamphlet is the text to a presentation Bonanno gave as La Tensione anarchica, translated by Jean Weir.

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Minimum quantity for "The Anarchist Tension" is 1.

My Own 1
Self-Ownership and Self-Creation against all Authority The second egoist newsletter to come out recently from the west coast, this is by a long-time...
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Ukraine and the Future of Social Movements
What is happening in Ukraine and Venezuela appears to be a reactionary counterattack within the space of social movements. This may be a sign of worse...
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be realists!
Fredy Perlman was the leading theorist of green anarchy before primitivism, one of the main forces behind Fifth Estate and Black and Red Press, and a...
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Collected Communiques of CARI-PGG
A nice little production of some communiques by Autonomous Cells of Immediate Revolution--Praxedis G. Guerrero (CARI-PGG), of the Informal FAI in Mexico.
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