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Fifth Estate #394
This issue's theme is Technological Biteback, with articles by John Zerzan ("Paradigms"), a debate between transhumanism and primitivism, Jason Rodgers on...

What is Society?
For a brief period of time in the 1980s, some individuals in France seemed to be taking Stirner's ideas in interesting directions... Among those...

Men Disgust Me
Disgust! A much misunderstood yet often felt affect. Andre Lorulot (1885-1963) a French free-thinker and exponent of individualist anarchism, explores...
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Illegal Anarchism
The False Dichotomy by Gustavo Rodriguez & Is the Anarchist Illegalist Our Comrade? by E. Armand (translated by Wolfi Landstreicher) To be an...
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The Boreal Crown and the Downfall Of Civilization
This 24-pa ge pamphlet features four fascinating explorations into the brilliant mind of Charles Fourier (1772-1837). While his ideas are mostly...
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Aphorisms Against Work
"The time has come to prepare the sacred cow of work for slaughter." There are never enough people singing the praises of idleness. Len Bracken adds to...
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SKU 19132
The Liberty of Egoism
Ending with a rather optimistic prediction that more and more people will realize their freedom, this essay is a consideration of liberty, free will,...
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Emanations of the Ego
This pamphlet explores the filaments between anarchy and conscious egoism (a connection that's as old as anarchism itself) through a series of five essays...
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Fifth Estate #393

peter werbe, kevin o'toole, john zerzan, margaret killjoy, david adams, joseph winogrond, anti marxism,


Fifth Estate #395 50th anniversary
This issue sports a glossy cover, presumably to celebrate their 50th birthday. Featuring many flashes from the past, as well as brand new articles on cities...
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Smert za Smert
This booklet is a lovingly compiled collection of historic events by anarchists and anons. It has been around in zine form for many years, and we're...
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A collection (with brief introductory remarks) of writings by pessimists and pessimist sympathizers... Pratt, Battaille, Zapfe, Noyes, Cioran, Leopardi,...
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