Against the Logic of Submission

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Reprint of the Venomous Butterfly pamphlet, with classics by Landstreicher, a long-term anarchist writer and translator (primarily of Italian insurrectionary texts).

Includes the title piece, plus "A Projectual Life", "Free Love", "Passionate Friendship", "Hatred, Realism, Security Culture and Expansive Living", and many more.

One of the few non-academic anarchist theorists writing today.

Submission to domination is enforced not solely, nor even most significantly, through blatant repression, but rather through subtle manipulations worked into the fabric of everyday social relationships. These manipulations — ingrained in the social fabric not because domination is everywhere and nowhere, but because the institutions of domination create rules, laws, mores and customs that enforce such manipulations — create a logic of submission, an often unconscious tendency to justify resignation and subservience in one's everyday relations in the world.