Canenero was a newspaper in Italy started during the time of the Marini Trials, and inspired by the problems of anarchists in that time and place.
This book is a selection of the articles from the paper that are relevant to today in the US anarchist scene. Translated by Wolfi Landstreicher (this newspaper is what inspired Landstreicher to learn and start translating Italian in the first place), this title includes newly translated pieces, as well as some of the first things he ever translated.
Table of Contents
Vagabond destruction
The body and revolt
The technique of certainty
The obscure clarity of words
The logic of measure
The reverse road
Children's thoughts
Streamlined production
Like in church
A eulogy to opinion
Prisoners of a single word
Words, rights, and the police
He jokes with men
The two faces of the present
The link that isn't there
A little, little giant
The back side of history
Beyond the law
The rudiments of terror
Poor heroes
The price of an entire world
Communique from prison
The fullness of a struggle without adjectives
A missing debate
Letter on specialization
An adventure without regrets