Here... is the story of the composition of revolt broken into theory and practice. It is anarchist theory for the 21st century.
The opposition of individual and community is a false one, for every model of individual implies a community, and every community an individual. The Western individual is the building block of a community of commodities. The community of the homogeneous, disciplined revolutionists breaks down into well trained militants who will follow their leaders through any number of defeats. By abandoning blueprints as an artifact and rediscovering visions as an activity, we can reclaim the pancentric society that has room for all of us. Every single one of us is the center of society and therefore the master of our own activity, but because we understand ourselves not as separate individuals but as nodes of unending flows that only exist through our relationships, solidarity and mutual aid will be the most obvious organizing principles. Finally, the individualist and the communist can end their bitter war. The community will be regained through the complicity of all our individual alienations. We will destroy everything, but only so we can mend this fracture.
Pick up your weapons: it is time to heal!
Table of Contents
A dream that ends in shouting
A Brief History of the Machine
No Gods
The Word and the Body
Species and Relational Beings
Determinism, Determination
Ashes to Ashes, Network to Network
The Family Values of Production
The State as Warfare
Recovering the Imaginary
Democracy and White Supremacy
Stable State, Moving Capital
The End of Class
Ludd's Last Laugh
Information as Knowledge, Alienated
An Anarchist Theory of Value
Insurrection as Catharsis Reversed
Revolution as Pancentric Society
The Ecosystem of Revolt
Starting Points
Rhythms of Rebellion
Making History
The Stormcloud of the Plain
Appearances and Appearing
Conflictivity and a Well Balanced Struggle
Hurdling the Enclosures
Emma Goldman's Piano
A Beautiful Chaos
Allies, Enemies, and the Left
The New Communes
Riot to Insurrection to Revolution