Art as Resistance

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A detailed history of the Autonomen movement of Germany in the 1980s, told through the art and visual expression of the group Art and Struggle. This title features several dozen posters including eight full color plates and a glossary of terms and organizations from the period. Translated from the German by Carla Herzblut and Lawrence Jarach.

Under the slogan "Long live antifascist antagonistic culture!" Kunst und Kampf (KuK, Art and Struggle) was founded in 1985 as an artistic project that considered itself part of the autonome movement. The autonome movement that appeared at the end of the 1970s in the former West Germany had no historical precursor... I was part of it since 1977, practically from the beginning. The focus of my political interest had been antifascism, which is atypical for autonome, because the movement only started to consider that integral in 1983. At this time, first as a mere idea, the initiative Kunst und Kampf was created. During the first few years, the acronym KuK served mainly to obscure my personal involvement. This was an important precaution because the clear statements of the material often led to legal persecution. Because of its semi-clandestine structure, there was never a single conviction on any charges brought against KuK.

Update as of September 2015: Bernd has been found guilty of incitement to disturb the peace, based on a newspaper interview he gave in 1994 concerning his ambiguous (but obvious) support for attacks directed at a right wing journal in earlier years. He's been fined 500 euros (reduced by the judge from a previous fine of 3000), but he will appeal.