The Universe: a mirror of itself

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A graphically rich, Fourier-inspired pamphlet by Peter Lamborn Wilson published by Enemy Combatant.

Charles Fourier still holds what you might call a passional attraction for us pessimistic utopians. The Universe: A Mirror of Itself is a reprinted edition of a pamphlet that came out to celebrate the launch of a (semi-)contemporary north american fourierist endeavor, The Bender Hollow Phalanx. This concise manifesto/introduction to Fourier's utopian socialist philosophy also offers a fun glimpse into early 90s-era "electronic paste-up" layout. A great companion piece to The Boreal Crown and the Downfall of Civilization, this pamphlet is a welcome addition to our 'visionary wingnut' series. Nearly left to rot among thousands of forgotten zines, we excavated this one on a recent foray into babylon!

The Harmonian Way still overflows with potential for enriching our post-Situationist post-dada post-anarchist epistemology, 'pataphysical driftwork, poetic terrorism, TAZ-praxis, etc., etc., whatever you want to call it.