Corrosive Consciousness

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This piece is an attempt at collecting and refining ideas I have thought about and discussed, perhaps excessively, for the past few years on the podcasts Free Radical Radio and The Brilliant, presented here in a redigested and regurgitated form that I envision, tentatively, as my final statements on the subject matter.

Critique, in my view, is always implicitly complimentary: its mere existence validates the importance of its target, regardless of how harsh it might be... Anarcho-Primitivism drew me to anarchism in a way that the Humanist Left-wing or Right-wing versions never could have, and so I've lavished it with a good deal of this praise. Barring a sea change in the discourse with the Anarcho-Primitivists, what follows is a sincerely fond farewell.

For those who have listened to him or read his words, Bellamy is an unusually articulate and sincere thinker. We welcome this pretty book from Enemy Combatants, which presents Bellamy's long-awaited long essay on some of the issues with the philosophical underpinnings of the most well known anarcho-primitivists in the u.s.