I wrote this zine because I believe in ending all restrictions around abortion provision. Provider-administered medication abortion is safe and effective. Selfdirected
medication abortion is also safe and effective. People should have unlimited access to both. Abortion clinics and providers have become gatekeepers to a service that we claim should be freely accessible. At least that’s what we tell ourselves. Why are we standing in people’s way?
In the post-Roe vs Wade abortion landscape, there is increasing uncertainty around the legal status of abortion. On one hand, obtaining pills online has become easier than ever. On the other, there are very real risks to doing so — as many states are enacting total bans on abortion at any gestational age, for any reason. Many laws are being repurposed in ways we didn’t anticipate. New crimes are being invented to limit our ability to exist freely in our bodies and manage our reproductive capacities. Education is one way to free ourselves of state control. Attack is another.
From Viscera Distro.